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DFWBGH Fair Price Initiative

How Healthcare Costs and Quality of Care Affect Fair Pricing

The quest for Fair Pricing is a major cost savings opportunity for employers. Frankly, the costs of healthcare seem like a Hollywood game show gone very wrong. Leaving employers to find ways and allies to take action against rising costs.

In its simplest definition, Fair Pricing is the reasonable markup between cost and a competitive market value of healthcare. Currently, 140% to 200% of Medicare cost is what data considers Fair Pricing for most hospitals when it comes to commercial payers (employers). To be an informed employer-consumer of healthcare, it requires knowing the breakeven costs between hospitals within peer hospital systems. Furthermore, it requires employers to understand how quality of care impacts not only the health outcomes of their employees but impacts the financial health of their company too.

Leading this initiative for its members is DFWBGH via the Fair Pricing Project. DFWBGH’s purpose is to empower Dallas-Fort Worth employers with the knowledge and resources to achieve more affordable healthcare at hospitals within the DFW metroplex. To inform and activate yourself and your organization go to

DFW Region Hospital Facility Report Cards can be found at